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Carbon Fiber Water Fed Pole, Carbon Fiber Jet Surfboard, Carbon Fiber Paddles-American company Carbon has teamed up with French company Arkema

American company Carbon has teamed up with French company Arkema

Advanced digital manufacturing company Carbon and leading resin solutions company Arkema has announced a strategic partnership in the form of investment ,create a new era of material performance and supply chain models for manufacturers that partner with Carbon.

The rapid development of additive manufacturing is changing the way products are designed and produced in many industries.Together with Carbon, Arkema's Sartomer business unit is bringing materials to the forefront of innovation, while breaking supply chain patterns and bringing digital manufacturing into the mainstream with new technologies.

Since its launch in 2013, Carbon and Sartomer have been driving innovation, pioneering processes and scaling up resin production to make Digital Light Synthesis technology components more reliable and cost-competitive.

Arkema invested $20 million in the Carbon growth fund.Support the next generation integrated digital manufacturing platform through deeper collaboration and advanced materials and innovative solutions.Carbon and Arkema share a vision for strategic partnerships, customised solutions and material sustainability.This combination provides an opportunity for the two companies to significantly increase their production applications.The yield and profit can be increased through advanced material technology.

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